Monthly Archives: December 2016

Review- La Roche Posay Effaclar Duo

The video above is for a review of Effaclar Duo by La Roche-Posay. I wish I had found this product year ago because it has done wonders for my skin. If you are struggling with acne I encourage you to watch it or continue reading below.

What is Effaclar Duo? 

It is an acne treatment and hydrating lotion that helps treat acne prone skin and control oily skin. It’s made in France and I had to go all the way there to get it. But it was worth it. It contains micronized benzoyl peroxide (5.5%) which targets acne deep in the skin. It also has micro-exfoliating LHA to provide exfoliation to clear away dulling cellular debris and oil. It is non-drying and oil free.

What I like about it

I love this product for 3 major reasons

1. It is very easy to use. Unlike other skin care treatments where you have to use a whole line of products and stick to a rigid skin care regime, effaclar-duo is simple. I cleanse my face with any cleanser of my choice and then apply the lotion. No fuss no hassle! The directions explain to use 3 times a day but  when I started using it I only used it once a day and still saw a big improvement in my skin.

2. You’re not obligated to use the product for life. Some acne treatments work wonders …until you stop using the product. I dislike those types of treatments. Effaclar duo heals your skin and lets you use other products without risking a return to your acne prone skin.

3. It targets under the skin pimples. Before effaclar-duo I was struggling with pimples under the skin, so while my skin looked ok from a distance it didn’t feel smooth and I was constantly getting breakouts. Nothing I used seemed to control these “under the skin” breakouts. Once the pimples came to surface they’d be hideous whiteheaded menaces that made my skin unattractive. Effaclar duo changed all that.

What I don’t like about it

The biggest con is its price. It’s nearly $4o for the tube. Now while I don’t mind that kind of investment on my skin and having clear skin to me is worth it. It’s not exactly a budget friendly option for taming your acne.

The price alone is not enough to turn me away and many people, like myself, have given this product a 5/5. If you are looking for something that will aid you in your battle against acne then I highly recommend checking out Effaclar Duo by La Roche-Posay


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