Tag Archives: self esteem

Change the standards of beauty with The Fashion Hero


When I was in junior high, I won a modeling competition that greatly affected the way I see the industry. I was 5’5, 100 lbs at that time, and the scout told me to lose 10 more pounds. I looked at her and said no, and that was the end of that. While I did look at fashion magazines, it was more for the articles because I felt turned off every time I saw another overly skinny model gracing the glossy pages. Now, I have nothing against skinny; I myself am naturally skinny. I just don’t understand why every single model has to be skinny, tall, blond or brunette and Caucasian to become a serious model. I know beautiful girls and guys who just don’t fit the “model mould” but have the right personality and drive to work as a model. Society needs a change, which is why I’m glad to share with you a new TV show that could not only change the definition of a “model” it can help you fulfil your model dreams.

The Fashion Hero is unlike any modelling competition I’ve heard of, and it comes at a time where many of us are bored with the same old standards of the fashion industry. If you ever wanted to be a model but didn’t feel you had the look or weren’t well-connected, now is your chance to seize the opportunity. The Fashion Hero is a TV show that allows anyone 16-40 a chance to enter the competition. 80 countries are included, making this a global competition. Once you sign up and set up your profile, you can then encourage your friends and family to vote for you.

This is what makes the competition different. You don’t need an agent to get you an audition. The determination on whether you make it as a candidate is based on votes. According to the website, “in September 2014, based on the amount of votes obtained, a total of 3200 candidates will receive a professional photo-shoot and portfolio, and will move to the next selection round. These candidates represent the top 40 members with the most votes globally.”

100 finalists will then be chosen to appear on the The Fashion Hero show, which will be filmed in the Grand Sirenis Hotel and Resort in Riviera Maya, Mexico; it will be broadcasted internationally, giving your family and friends a chance to see you on the TV show.

From February to June 2014 The Fashion Hero candidates with the most votes in a given month automatically become finalists and attend the TV show.

Just looking at some of the participants on the website, I can see they are from all different walks of life, shapes, sizes and ethnicities but they are all beautiful and are taking the chance to be someone’s “hero.”

I wish this existed back when I was young to let people know there isn’t one definition of beautiful.

If you have always wanted to model, and want to be part of the mission, I encourage you to check out the website and sign up.

Follow and learn more about The Fashion Hero at the following pages:

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Style is for the poor?

In a Korean show (pure 19) a remark was made about style being for the poor. The scene was about some work colleagues admiring their bosses’ sense of style and how he always looked good and stylish. The bosses’ friend and employee then mentioned how it was easy for him to look good. He had money to shop at all the high-end places, get perfect tailored suits or even have someone pick out the right look for him. He then said “Style is for the poor.”

The speech made think…is style really for the poor? There is some truth to the statement. Rich people have the luxury of buying clothes from retailers that “set the trend.” The items showcased on the runways and in magazines cannot often be purchased by your typical student, or middle class housewife. They are targeted towards a class who can access the items readily and the rest are simply dreamers who imagine the items on them but never really get the chance to sport it.  Those with ample spending money for fashion can also get custom-made items, buy expensive rare items, or hire someone to style them if they truly struggle with putting together a look.

Someone who has a smaller budget and must be more economical with their sense of style has to be creative and have an eye for fashion. If they see a celebrity look they want to imitate they must go out of their way to find pieces that match, instead of simply buying the items the celebrity is wearing. They need to know their own wardrobes well and know how to mix and match what they already have. They recycle looks, without always looking the same (adding different accessories or doing different makeup and hairstyles). A number of them also have the ability to sew or at least mend clothes, so when they find that perfect item in a thrift store they can resize it or upcycle it so it looks good on their body or fits into modern day trends. Someone who has less money, and yet always looks good, most likely has a creative edge that allows them to see items and create work of style.

But there is something not correct about the statement. Whether you are rich or poor confidence is the most stylish thing you can wear. I’ll see people in some radical looks, but their confidence and belief in themselves makes them stylish. If a rich person is wearing the most beautiful dress, but lacks confidence, the dress may still be nice but something will be missing in the overall look. Confidence and self-esteem radiate from the inside, so whether you’re wearing the latest trend or your favorite old jeans you’ll look  perfect. Rich or poor, before you spend a dime on any fashion item don on some confidence.

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